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Monday, March 19, 2018

Music Monday (9)

Music Monday is a weekly event hosted by Lauren over at Always Me.  Every Monday, you share one or two of your favorite songs you've been enjoying that week to help other people discover new music!  Here are my picks for this week:

Writing's on the Wall - Sam Smith
From the soundtrack of Spectre (James Bond)

Normally, I'm not a huge fan of Sam Smith (I don't know what it is, but I just don't like his style of music or his voice) but I LOVE this song and I think he does such a great job capturing the desperate edge to it.  I've been listening to this on repeat for weeks!

I Write Sins Not Tragedies - Panic! at the Disco

I always love Panic! at the Discos' videos and this is no exception.  Do you ever just go browsing around your old Spotify playlists and you find those songs that you loved forever ago and you had forgotten that you loved?  This song is one of those!

Imagine - John Lennon

Do songs ever just kind of pop into your head into nowhere and then you get obsessed?  That's this song.  I've heard it before, of course, and I liked it, but I just hadn't listened to it in a good two years.  Then, suddenly one day a week ago, I just thought of the song and it's been in my head ever since!

Have you heard any of these songs before (I hope you've heard Imagine!!)?  What have you been listening to recently?


  1. Imagine is such a great song. I never get tired of it.

  2. You know what song has popped into my head lately?? Perfect by Ed Sheeran and it's been overplayed and redone so many times I'm driving myself crazy! 🙈 🙈 🤣🤣

    1. Oh my goodness right??? I loved that song when it first came out but you're completely right: it's so overplayed if I hear it again, I might go crazy. Thanks for stopping by, Di!

  3. Panic at the Disco is so, so good! I love that song. ♥️ That Havana keep popping into Mymensingh head after 2 woman did their own version.... GAH it is so, so gorgeous...

    1. Right?? Anything they release, I instantly want to listen to! Thanks for stopping by, Dani!

  4. I love all of the songs and artist featured. I'm a huge fan of Sam Smith!
    Tori @ In Tori Lex

    1. I don't know why Sam Smith's voice rubs me the wrong way normally but in this song, it's just gorgeous! I think maybe I need to revisit some of his songs and reevaluate my weird aversion to him :) Thanks for stopping by, Tori!

  5. First off of, I saw Panic! At The Disco and I nearly screamed, I love them so much. I'm not a huge fan of Sam Smith, however, I do like this song! My friend showed me Imagine the other day and I've been hooked on it. Great picks!

    1. I love them too! I really love using their songs as background when I'm writing and their music videos are spectacular! It's the same with me and Sam Smith. For some reason, I don't like any of his other songs but I love this one. Thanks for stopping by, Ella!


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