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Thursday, May 21, 2015

Bookish Discussions: Scheduling Posts Ahead Of Time

Today's Topic is............ Scheduling Posts Ahead Of Time!  I know this is a more bloggery post instead of just reading in general but I thought it would be an appropriate discussion to have and I can fit in my apology to you guys for having such sporadic posting that sometimes happens in the future...  So here we go!

You may have noticed that recently, my posts for the day are going up a couple days late.  You see, the thing is I'm not all that good at scheduling things in advance.  I was so great at it during the summer but now that I'm in the busy part of the school year (finals and ACT's and tests and presentations!) scheduling has kind of gone out the window.  I've thought about taking a short hiatus until it's all over but blogging and reading are nice things to have to break up the studying you know?

Scheduling posts can be so helpful though and I'm so glad blogger has the feature.  Like if I'm going on vacation to some place that doesn't have a good internet connection, then I can still have posts up on schedule but I'll just write them in advance.

However!  Whenever I want to get ahead in my posts, I'll think 'oh I'll do it tomorrow.  I still have a couple that are scheduled'.  But then the next day is super busy and the day after that and the day after that and soon I'm behind on my posts and posting in the past.  It gets pretty bad.  Once, I was behind a whole week!

Do you ever get behind on posts?

So I suppose the root of this problem is procrastination and the feeling that you shouldn't do today what you could do tomorrow.  Except I don't do it the next day.

For the rest of the year, I've promised myself that I'll reach a couple goals.

1.  Finish and review all the books in my R&R pile.
2.  Have at least a week's worth of posts scheduled in advance.
3.  As soon as I get an email, I'll deal with it right then (blog tour materials: put together the post then.  review request: respond.  other emails or tags: do it right away).  I've been so bad about this recently and it's kind of unacceptable as a book blogger.  I'll try to be on top of things!

I also have goals for redesigning my blog and whatnot but that's kind of taking a back seat right now.

It'll get easier when summer comes around and I'll have more time to do things!

Does this ever happen to you?  Have you ever had to rework your blogging schedule to accommodate your life?


  1. I've gotten behind on posts before, but I usually just don't post them if I get behind. I kind of bag the idea of posting them all together. But, I do like scheduling posts ahead because if I have something I think of now, but I'm already posting other things, then I like having something for later, if that makes sense. :)

    1. Maybe I should do that... just start fresh! For sure! Usually I actually have my discussion posts scheduled way in advance because I always think of new topics and these are my favorite posts to do!

  2. I like the idea of having posts scheduled in advance (and I usually do schedule my reviews in advance, especially with ARCs because I read them earlier than I want to review them) but often times it doesn't happen as much as I'd like it too. I definitely have the issue you do when I DO get ahead and then I end up taking a "break" rather than staying ahead and all of my scheduled posts go up and I'm back to being current. I almost never schedule memes in advance because I'm afraid I'll forget to link up on the official meme page.

    1. Yes! That's exactly my problem too! I wish I was one of those people who don't let procrastination urges get to them... :/ Ugh yes that's horrible when you realize a WoW post you published two weeks ago was never linked up!

  3. I do the same thing. I spend the day on Monday doing a bunch of schedule posts but then I put off writing anything else until I'm down to no more scheduled posts. It's probably the best to take one a day a week if you're free, like a weekend day, and just write as much as you have time for. Then you don't have to deal with it the rest of the week.

    Thank goodness that we have the ability to schedule posts. If I had to actually write a post every day I would have nothing on my blog. Most days I have no time to do much of anything. :P

    Vicarious Caytastrophe

    1. Me too! It's so horrible! That's such a great idea... I've been thinking about having a solid bedtime at midnight and then if I have time at the end of the night (minus reading time of course! At least 20 minutes for that!) after all my other work I'll write posts. I feel like if I put down a solid schedule then I'll be able to stick to it.

      I know right! I would have like one post every weekend!


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